Friday, 7 March 2014



Documents of the CC AUCPB
Statement of the CC AUCPB
The national fascist Bandera clique, relying on information, financial and other support of the imperialist West, especially U.S. imperialism, NATO, and, taking advantage in their own anti-peoples interests of the Ukrainian people’s hatred of the predatory exploitative regime of Yanukovych, seized power in Kiev.
The extreme right-wing pro-Western nationalist regime of Turchinov - Yatsenuk counting on the fact that the Ukrainian people will meekly accept the new nationalist order, and following the Banderites of "Svoboda", "Trident" and other national- fascist organizations, will praise Bandera, the Shukhevych warriors of UPA and stare blankly as latter-day Nazis smash statues of Lenin and infringe on the Russian language, and speak from Russophobic nationalist positions.
But the residents of South- East Ukraine and Crimea have revolted against the violence, against attempts to tear the fraternal Ukrainian and Russian peoples from each other, and pit them against each other to bleed in a fratricidal slaughter.
Crimea, Kharkov, Lugansk, Donetsk, Odessa have resisted the Nazis and have did not given them a chance to seize power in their regions and establish Nazi order.
The again reinstated by the Crimean Parliament head of government of Crimea S. Aksenov asked for help from the leadership of Russia to protect Crimeans from encroachments from the fascist Bandera, and prevent the establishment of Banderite anti-Russian order in Crimea.
And the Russian leadership has responded to this appeal, giving the Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the Supreme Commander to use, if necessary, troops to protect the rights of Russian and the Russian-speaking population.
Immediately the entire Western world raised a howl, accusing the Russian leadership of aggression. Although on the grants of the U.S. and other NATO countries, using non-governmental organizations in Ukraine, the assault troops nationalist militants - a copy of Hitler's SS and SD were nurtured, trained, armed and financed and who staged the riots in the centre of Kiev, raided and seized government buildings in the capital and western regions of Ukraine, transferring these fascist action over to the Eastern and South-Eastern regions of Ukraine and Crimea.
How US-NATO install Western "democracy" is well known. In the heart of Europe, they bombed Yugoslavia, committed acts of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, bringing to the peoples of these countries incredible suffering and incalculable destruction, leading to thousands of victims among the civilian population. For several years, the flames of civil war in Syria have been blazing, fired up and fanned from outside and which have claimed tens of thousands of lives.
We remind you that Crimea has always been an integral part of Russia, and the hero-city Sevastopol city of Russian glory, covered with undying glory in military exploits and battles, was the naval base of the Soviet Navy.
Renegade Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet people slandered J.V. STALIN, under whose leadership the USSR gained victory over Nazism, thereby violated all international laws and norms, with sole discretionary decision, gave the Crimea to Ukraine, which eventually resulted in the current crisis and struggle against Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, in its attempts to forcibly Ukrainise the Russian -speaking Crimea, South- East and East of Ukraine.
The same applies to the problems of "repressed peoples", who were also rehabilitated by Khrushchev. But what kind of "repressed peoples" are we really talking about if Stalin pardoned the Crimean Tatars, who fought for the most part in the rear of the Soviet Army during World War II on the side of the Nazis, and then moved them from the Crimea to save them from the wrath of Soviet soldiers returning from war. They were relocated to a new location, erecting homes for them, introducing livestock and providing everything needed for a normal, peaceful life.
We Bolsheviks, see the main cause of all the ills befallen nations in a once united socialist state, in the forcible destruction of our Socialist Motherland by the bourgeois counter-revolution.
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks sees the way out of the severe economic and political crisis, which our peoples currently enduring, in the revival of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and, hence, in the revival of a unified Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In the current conditions, when the working class in Ukraine is not ready to take the brunt of the fight against armed gangs of neo-Nazis when bourgeois patriots have taken to repel fascism, we Bolsheviks support the holding of a referendum on the extension of the status and powers of the Crimea, designated on March 30.
We declare that all responsibility for a possible split of Ukraine is laid firmly at the door of the new National Fascist Bandera power and standing behind it the imperialist West in supporting it, whose goal has always been - to pit the two fraternal peoples in internecine slaughter, and, following Ukraine, conquer and place Russia on her knees.
Only a single multinational state of workers and peasants of Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet can forever cease to be a bargaining chip in the hands of the Zionist- American imperialists and formed in their service and nurtured by them the national- fascist regime in Ukraine –the instigators of a new, World War III.
Only by stopping the spread of fascism, rallying the workers and peasants in the struggle against the bourgeoisie of all stripes, will we be able to revive Soviet power and socialism, and the great Soviet Union.
March 3, 2014

N.A. Andreeva,
General Secretary of the CC AUCPB

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